Five Minute Friday – Friend

Allume Gindi 1

Today is the day that writers from all across the world join to write for five minutes – no edits…we share community over at Lisa Jo’s – join us?!

Today’s prompt is: FRIEND

Fitting isn’t it?

That as I sit in the waiting area of an airport, waiting to board a flight to go and spend the weekend with some amazing women, that the prompt for today is friend.

The picture above was taken when many of us were at Allume last October.

It was the first time that I met many of these dreamers in person. It was minutes really, after that first hug, that it was clear we were going to be friends for life.

These women, these dreamers that have filled my life to overflowing, are on their way right now to gather together in Houston.

What started out as just a website has become so much more.

Women joined in unity, chasing dreams, lifting one another up in prayer, doing life together.

This weekend we will celebrate that friendship in real life. Some of us have already met in person, while a few others will get first time hugs.

I have a feeling that there will be tears, but even more than that will be heart sharing, laughter, a unified vision for the site that brought us all together.

I am so blessed to do life with these women. They are more then just friends, they are sisters.

Thanking God for the gift of friendship today!


0 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Friend

  1. Michelle

    Hello from you FMF neighbor! I would love to have the community and solidarity you describe. Perhaps one day, I can also attend.
    Blessings to you today!

  2. Joanne Viola

    I love reading of how so many of you have met in person. Hopefully I will be able to attend one of these conferences as it would be such a joy to meet you all. Be blessed as you attend the conference this weekend!

  3. Anita Ojeda

    What fun that you get to meet up with friends you’ve found in cyberspace! I hope you have a truly blessed time with you friends, old and new, and that the time you spend together fills you up so that you can continue to minister to others.


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