One Word 2014 – Balance

One Word - Balance

I am not one to make resolutions. For me it is a quick set up for failure. I almost never keep or meet a resolution and become more discouraged in the process.  Then I heard about this idea a few years ago where you choose one word that you want to permeate your life in the new year.  It isn’t a resolution, but a word to focus on in all areas of your life.

Over the past few months it has become painfully clear to me that the area I most struggle with in my life is balance.

Finding balance between home and work, mom responsibilities, my creative time and quiet time with God….the list goes on and on for me.  I haven’t been balancing everything well and tend to find myself tired and stressed out.

I am an early riser in the mornings. I like to have some time to myself before everyone else gets up. But even in that area, I don’t always use my time well. Should I read the Bible, exercise, get an extra load of laundry done or read a chapter in the book I am doing for a book club?

Should I stay at the office and work late so that I am not stressed at work? But then I am sacrificing quality time with my kids during the few awake hours that they have with me. I can not do it all. I just can’t. But I can work at finding a better balance so that I am not feeling guilty or regretful all the time.

I don’t yet have the answer to how I will find this balance. But I felt strongly that this is something that God wants me to work on this new year.

And as in all things, I look to Him first to help guide me in this new way of thinking.

From time to time I will be sharing how things are going – what new things I am trying, those things I might have to give up to help create more balance and I will even share with you the ways that I have continued to fail! 🙂  Because change doesn’t happen overnight, I don’t expect to wake up on January 2nd having it all figured out.

And if history is an indicator – I have to work at something and fail multiple times before I am finally ready to try something new.  My stubbornness is not my best quality! 😉

So there we go – my start to a new year of seeking and finding Balance.

Do you have a One Word for 2014? If you do I would love to hear it!! And join us over in the One Word 365 community where you can find encouragement from other people that are trying to live purposefully as well!

0 thoughts on “One Word 2014 – Balance

  1. Mel

    Happy New Year to you, my friend! I think this is a great word…definitely something I can work on in my life, too! Enjoy your day. 🙂

  2. Kathy

    My word is intentional. Since I retired it has been too easy to let each day slip away. It is a word I can apply in many areas of my life. I can be more intentional in my Bible study and prayer life. More intentional in my giving. More intentional in cultivating friendships. The list can go on and on. I’m sure I will discover more areas where God wants me to be intentional as the days go by.

  3. Suzanne

    Kristin, you must have read my mind and my heart!! Lets help each other == I will let you know if I find anything that helps, and please do the same for me!!!!! I think this is every working mom’s struggle ===I am not sure there is an answer, but I think we all need to find a way to live peacefully with what we can do — and quit feeling inadequate for not being able to be everything to everyone all of the time!!!!!

    1. Kristin Post author

      Suzanne – it is such a struggle isn’t it? And comparison can destroy so we have to stop doing that!! Love that we can keep each other accountable here!!

  4. Beth

    Oh yes, balance is a hard one for me too. With my husband gone for most of 2014 this is a real challenge with more on m plate. Lots of prayers for prioritizing better and getting the rest still needed.
    My word for 2014 is JOY!
    Blessings to you,

    1. Kristin Post author

      Oh Beth I will be praying for you…being a “single mom” can be hard! My husband and I lived apart in 2 different states for 8 months in 2010-2011 during a job transition and it was tough. I was lucky that my oldest was 15 and very helpful nut even then it was a struggle so I know where you are! Praying that you have the strength you need to handle what you need this year and asking God to fill in all the gaps!

  5. Elise Daly Parker

    Oh yes, Balance is a great word…and something I think all of us who have more than one role in life struggle with (and don’t we all have more than one role?). I’m with you on this journey. Looking forward to getting to know you better this year…and so blessed to have met you! Happy New Year!

  6. Kimberly Amici

    I can totally relate to trying to find balance. I get up early too and despite wanting to do my devotional, there are plenty of other things that call my attention… even in the wee hours of the morning.
    My word for the New Year is Faithful.

  7. Rachael McKinney

    I, too, struggle with this. I feel I am always evaluating my balance in life. It is not my chosen word this year, but it is something on which I am working very much. My chosen word is “Pray”. Loved your blog. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to hearing the updates and progress!

  8. Lisa notes

    “Balance” is such a great One Word. I haven’t seen it used much but isn’t it what we all need? I pray the Lord will continue to reveal to you the best balance with your time and energy and love. My One Word this year is Compassion, so I need his guidance for balance in knowing how to walk that out as well.

  9. Mandy

    I am eager for any tips you have on balancing 🙂 I think I tend to get overwhelmed by everything I think needs to get done/be addressed and then I stay paralyzed. I chose to start with “worship” as my word to start the year with because I want God to show me how make His priorities mine and what to let go of. Blessings for an awesome year, girl!


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