Finding Joy

I have felt challenged recently to seek out more Joy in my life.  Too often it seems,  I am feeling frustrated or short-tempered…and as a result I am seeing those same behaviors in my kids.  And having irritable and grumpy kids is no good for anyone!!

A few weeks ago I attended a Moms Expo put on here in Marshall. One of the speakers was a friend from church, Robin. Robin talked about the book “One Word – that will change your life”.  She shared about how she and each of the members of her family chose a word that they would apply to 6 areas in their life –  mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial.

Last year I chose a word (Purposeful) but I didn’t really follow through. And since the seminar I have been praying about my word and I feel like God wants me to be more Joyful in all those areas of my life.


Joyful in my family, in my job, in my interactions with my kids, in my giving of my time and finances.

And while it is already a few months into the year – I feel like focusing on being more joyful is a perfect way to finish out the remainder of 2013!

But it isn’t like being joyful in all things comes easy. I have to be in prayer about my attitude and when I am I do see a difference in my family.

I started telling the kids that God wants us to have joyful hearts in all that we do – even if it isn’t something we like or want to do. When I sense a tone in someones voice I will ask them if their response is joyful or irritable. 🙂

What is amazing is that they get it – they can recognize the difference right away. I use it in the mornings when we are getting ready….and I find the kids laughing more.

Don’t we all need a little more laughter in our lives? 

We recently got an elliptical machine. I am loving it (and hating it), but I have used it every day since we got it…and I feel great about it.  I am taking care of myself, and even though it is hard and I am terribly out of shape – it brings me joy.

I signed up to be a summer leader of a Hello Mornings group starting in May (more details about that later this week) – and I am excited about going deeper into God’s word and hopefully being an encouragement to others.

Getting involved, stretching myself, brings me joy!

Life is busy, there is always work to do at home or the office. I have a choice about how I am going to react to the multiple stressors I come in contact with.

I want to choose joy. (Thank you Sara)

A part of walking towards my God Sized Dream is finding joy in ALL things. Seeing joy even if my dreams aren’t progressing as quickly as I would like. Remembering how far I have come and being joyful about all the ways that God has equipped me along the way.

One word to encompass my journey as I dream.


What’s one word that you would use to describe your primary focus this year?? 

This week the GSD are talking about finding time to “play”….to not take ourselves too seriously. In my life “play” and “joy” go hand in hand. Want to read how other dreamers are finding joy?! Join us here!


0 thoughts on “Finding Joy

  1. Mel

    Praying for extra joy to be all over your day, friend…thank you for this! Hope you are doing well…blessings! 🙂

  2. Alecia

    So glad you signed up to be an AC for HelloMornings! I became one for the first time for the Winter Session and have made some great new friends. I’m doing for the summer also 🙂 It’s been a huge blessing, I know you will love it:)

  3. Lisa

    Kristin, I LOVED this post! This seems to be where my focus has been a lot lately, too. I wrote a post about it last week, and decided to start a new thing on my blog called, “Fabulous Fridays: Finding Joy in the little things” Here’s the link:

    Life can be so challenging sometimes, but just like you said, I too, am realizing that my attitude and the way I “chose” to see life, makes or breaks everything. So blessed by your words today, and all the joy you bring to this dream team!!

  4. graceglimmers

    Such a sweet and sincere post. We all need more JOY absolutely. He provides it if we truly seek Him, we find our Joy. I’m going to be a Twitter AC this summer too! Wonderful to share fellowship online with other Christian women…blessings to you on your God sized dreams too!


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