We All Need a Little of That!


As many of you know just a little over a week ago I was surprised with a getaway birthday weekend to Houston. It was a weekend filled with love from my friends and family.

While Gindi and I shared a delicious BBQ chicken pizza from California Pizza Kitchen (which by the way was YUM!!), we talked about this idea of community. On FB the night I found out about my surprise I posted a picture of my letter and this comment “To say that I am floored and overwhelmed and crazy excited all at once is an understatement….not exactly sure where I am headed on Saturday but the “three birthday bandits” have completely surprised me!”

130 people liked that post and I had over 40 comments…

I don’t say that to brag, it is a reflection of how much something like this would mean to so many people.

“Best present ever!!”, “I want to get kidnapped”, So fun, can’t wait to hear about it”…and on and on.

People, women especially, long for this type of community.

Maybe we don’t say it or admit it…but it is true. We love to feel loved. (<====Click to Tweet)

I think it is in our nature, it is how we were made. I know so many women who love big and love well. But this experience for me was proof that we all have a secret wish that someone would love on us in a HUGE way like I was.

And I don’t want it to end with me.

I realize that many of us might not be able to plan such an elaborate surprise like I received…but as Gindi and I talked I was challenged to think of ways that I might be able to love on others well, here in my own front yard.

Because we all need a little more of that, don’t we?

Of community, friendship, lavish and unconditional love?

This may mean that we have to step out in faith…and what if it isn’t well received? What if we put a Turquoise Table in the front yard in April, invite our neighbors over, and no one comes?

It could happen.

It probably won’t, but there is that risk.

But you know, I have found that by being willing to take the risk, the crazy leaps of faith…that I have been given back so much in return.

If I hadn’t been willing to open my heart to the idea of online friendships…well last weekend would have never happened. And what a blessing that was in my life.

I hope you can understand that I face these challenges with the same fear that I expect many of you are facing. We are in this together!!

That is why I felt like it was so important to write about this today. I often make decisions based on fear, especially fear of the unknown.

But when we see a need – how can we NOT respond?! Maybe your response isn’t with a surprise trip, but instead a call to a friend for a lunch date. A card in the mail to a neighbor or introducing yourself to a “stranger” at church.

The act itself doesn’t have to be monumental, but I am seeing that the small things can become monumental if we are invested in and working at community. (<====Click to Tweet)

So I come here willing. Prayerfully considering how this looks in my own life and open to being pushed to where I may feel uncomfortable…because if I can be the hands and feet of Christ here…who knows what might happen!

Photo Credit: Niall Kennedy

0 thoughts on “We All Need a Little of That!

  1. Betsy de Cruz

    Kristin, I saw you at Meredith’s place! What a great birthday celebration your friends engineered. Loving on others does imply risk. I’m always afraid inside that I’ll be rejected, but I take a deep breath, and take a step, and 9.5 times out of 10, it works! The person responds! Thanks for your encouragement today.

  2. Karen Brown

    Kristin- Yes! we underestimate the power of community and small efforts. I love these closing words of yours : “The act itself doesn’t have to be monumental, but I am seeing that the small things can become monumental if we are invested in and working at community.” So much truth and encouragement here. I’m glad I spotted you!

  3. Ginger

    Hi! You are right on target with Meredith today, huh! We do overestimate what we all can do in our own homes, for sure! I thought about the High Calling link up for this….they are discussing community I think. Blessings for a great Wednesday!

  4. Tiffany

    Oh, yes! Love to have those safe places with people who wrap you up and hold you close in your messes and joys. I recently created that sweet spot in my family room for a group of women who just needed a place to be real and experience real grace – God has blessed us so richly and He has knit our little community together. I’ve been purposing to be more Spirit-lead about this too – not ignoring that voice that prompts a text or phone call to a friend in need. Thanks for putting words to the movement. Blessings!

  5. Kevin Cullis


    One of the facets of living is a comment that I found from a military member that fits in all cases.

    “Joy share is joy multiplied, pain shared is pain divided.”

    Community is about sharing, the good and bad, and to learn and grow.

    Keep growing.


  6. David Rupert

    Well, I’ve never been kidnapped, but the “loving manner” in which you were whisked away is commendable and fun. You are blessed to be surrounded by friends like that!

    Thank you for participating in The High Calling linkup for community. This post is perfect!

  7. Sabra Penley

    Oh, Kristin, I’m seeing a pattern in the posts I’m reading today. God seems to always orchestrate it that way! Stepping out of my comfort zone, pulling out what’s in my heart to share and reach out to those around me–saying THANK YOU and WELCOME and COME BE A PART. Yes, we need each other. And I’m thankful to know you through this blog. Thank you for welcoming in all of us. You’re a blessing.


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