31 Days of Finding God – LIFE

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


Today’s prompt is Life!

Today, October 15, is Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day. For every mother reading this that has lost a baby too soon, please know that I am praying for you.

We too lost a pregnancy to miscarriage. It was heartbreaking. HEARTBREAKING.

Yes we had 2 kids already at that point. Yes getting pregnant proved that we COULD get pregnant, but losing that baby was so hard on my mama heart.

Today I celebrate Life.

A life that was gone too soon. I celebrate life with the mama’s who have had babies that died shortly after birth. I celebrate life with the mama’s that never had a chance to hold their little ones. I celebrate life with the women who have carried the burden of loss in silent for years and years because it wasn’t something that you talked about.

Every baby lost is a life that matters. Every,Single.One. (<====Click to Tweet)

To my dear friend Mel who is grieving a recent loss, know that your baby’s life matters. Today I honor your little one that was taken too soon.

To my sweet friend Suzanne, who I met because we each lost a baby around the same time…your eight angels in heaven are remembered. And while I know your heart is full with your two sons, today is a day especially that can be hard to remember the loss that occurred.

Unfortunately I know so many that have walked this same road….I wish that wasn’t the case.

October 24th 2008 would have been my due date. February 19th was the day I had to give up that dream. Dates that are forever burned into my heart. A mama doesn’t forget.

Until I experienced a loss myself, I had no idea why it was such a big deal. I probably said those things that people said to me, because they just want to make it better.

But for us mamas, a small piece of our hearts were lost when we said goodbye…so we move forward changed, don’t we?

Today I thank God for the gift of life. Even when it is short. And I say a prayer for each woman reading that might have lost a little one themselves. If you have lost a baby would you please leave me a comment so that I can specifically pray for you by name.

It is an honor to celebrate the lives of your children. And I do so with the anticipation and hope of heaven when someday we will be reunited.

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In Him, Kristin

Photo Credit: L.C. Nottassen

0 thoughts on “31 Days of Finding God – LIFE

  1. Pingback: 31 Days of Finding God – MOVE

  2. Maria Marino

    Thank you for this compassionate, tender-hearted post Kristin. Touched my heart and helped me to understand what that kind of loss is like. My prayers and a hug to all the mamas who have had to say goodbye to their babies. So sorry for your loss.

    1. Kristin Post author

      Thank you friend for your kind words…sometimes we just need to share our stories because others like you are so kind and by caring for us you share our burdens as well. {{Hugs}}


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