Five Minute Friday – Ordinary


Linking up with Lisa Jo again this week to participate in Five Minute Friday.

Today’s word is ORDINARY– ready, set go –


Sometimes I forget to stop and see it.

The beauty in the ordinary all around me.

My kids recognize it without even thinking about it. My head seems so clouded with stress and fear, anxiety and worry about all I need to do in the little time I have in a day. I don’t stop to see the beauty around me.

We were having family pictures taken and as we were posing a dragon fly landed on Dominic’s knee.  The kids got all excited and everything stopped so that they could look at it.

What’s even better is that our photographer Heather took pictures of it!

She saw the beauty in the ordinary too.

As I look at this picture I can see it.

I can remember how excited the kids were, especially the younger 2. How Isaac wanted to capture his own picture, how they all stopped to see the beauty in the ordinary.

It is all around us. As I type I can see glimpses of the trees swaying in the breeze and the colors starting to change in the sky as the sun starts to rise.

If we are open to seeing it, what once seemed ordinary, is amazing and beautiful.

Are you looking for it??


0 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Ordinary

  1. Tonya

    Oh yes… what once seemed ordinary is beautiful. I truly love this reminder to be present enough to see how God transforms the ordinary into extra-ordinary.

  2. Jenny

    Our ordinary days of to do lists, stress, and mundane can leave a momma feeling dried up but when we truly look we can see His days He planned for us are nothing short of extraordinary. blessings friend…

  3. Mel

    I love seeing those moments through the eyes of our sweet kiddos…they understand beauty in the simple and ordinary, don’t they? Love this. 🙂 Happy Friday to you, friend…I can’t believe I get to hug you in TWELVE days…not that I’m counting or anything! 😉 Have an awesome weekend!

  4. Debi

    Great reminder Kristin. It’s so true that we need to stop, often, and appreciate the ordinary which is really the extraordinary. Thanks for sharing.


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