What needs to be seen

I am a bit of a Type A…ok that’s a lie. I am a HUGE perfectionist. And if I am honest about it, it isn’t because I am as concerned about the “final product” as much as how I am perceived by all of you.

It stings a little to admit that to you….because it isn’t a part of my heart that I am proud of. But it is a part of my heart that becomes more and more apparent to me as I walk with Christ.

I want you all to think that I have it together. I want my children to behave in public and never throw fits. I want my children to be successful and strong and confident. And while those last things are good character traits to have – I have to look at the reason I desire those things for them.

If it is so that I look good as a mother – then I am missing the point. This morning I came across a video recording of Angie Smith taking at her church Crosspoint this past Mother’s Day. Here is the link to the “pinned” You Tube version. It is worth the 36 min to watch it!

She talked about that God desires us to know His love for us and to communicate THAT to our children.…not the “conditional” love that I often show them. The “you do good and make me look good and then mom will be happy” kind of love.

Have you ever been there?

Admittedly I have, maybe it wasn’t my hearts intent….but the way I communicate with them may just convey that message exactly.

And this just after I had another “perfectionist” moment this morning.

We got a call that it had been many years since our county had done a full assessment of our property and could they come out this morning to look at the inside of the house. They are basically just looking for improvements etc…

So when I got up this morning (on my day off) I started cleaning and picking up. Perfecting the beds, folding blankets, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, putting the “fancy” pillows on the bed. I KNOW, for crying out loud people!! I have a serious problem.

Yes it is good to have a clean house. Generally I try and keep it that way. But do I really believe that this dude (can I call him a dude? I think so)…anyways this dude doesn’t care if the toy room is clean, or the bathroom mirrors are spotless.

98% of the time it just doesn’t look that way in my house. As much as I wish it did….we have kids, they are messy, we are busy and something ALWAYS needs to be done.

This is the picture I want to convey to you…


Pillows perfectly placed, floor clean of toys and cat hair, juice cups in the sink…neat and tidy, welcoming and inviting…

What you will likely find in my home at any given moment instead is this…


Unsupervised for even a few minutes….my children can make a mess! 🙂 And as I write this, the mess is still there. 🙂

And I think that is how my faith walk can look at times too. I want to be the Christian that is all neat and tidy and put together, while being warm and inviting and a person to be comfortable with.  The condition of my heart though can often reflect the mess of the 2nd picture.

I have a short temper and I don’t spend nearly enough time reading the Bible or in communion with God. So how can I expect my outside to be a perfect reflection of Christ’s love for me if my insides are a mess?

Our time here on earth is short. We don’t know what tomorrow holds. Why do we waste so much time pretending to be someone we can’t be in the first place, instead of truly seeking out God in ALL things and developing the Godly character that He desires in all of us?

My life is often a mess. But because it is, I am more fully aware of my need for a Savior, and so very grateful that Christ died for someone like me.

Embrace the mess and seek God with your whole life and be at peace as He changes you bit by messy bit!

0 thoughts on “What needs to be seen

  1. Margie

    That was sooooo good girl!!!

    I had the duct cleaning people come and I thought they’d only be in the basement! My house was a mess!

    I laughed and told them I just fired the maid because this was how she left the house!

  2. Mel

    Great post! If I’m being real…and I try to be, then I have to admit that I teeter too far on the other side of it. I’m not a slob by any means, but I’m not great about making sure the house has been dusted or vacuumed or that I’ve picked up M’s toys each night. I’m trying to find balance…which is definitely a good thing. In all reality, I have waaaaay more messy moments (in my house and in life) than beautiful ones. I guess that’s why I’m so thankful He can make beauty from a mess. 🙂

    I saw a quote on Pinterest not too long ago that is pretty much my favorite ever. “My house isn’t messy; it’s custom designed by a two year-old.” HA! I love it. 🙂

  3. Chick Flick Diva

    GREAT POST! I have hated cleaning since I was a little girl. My piles don’t normally bug me until I have to invite someone into my home then I wonder if they will judge me so I try to make it look perfect 🙂 I can so relate to your post. Thanks for sharing and pointing us back to Jesus.

  4. Elise Daly Parker

    I totally get this Kristin. I get the approval of man part…and the need to present myself a certain way. Unfortunately, falling short of my standards kept me in hospitality bondage. If someone dropped in unexpectedly I spent the first 10 minutes, maybe more, of the visit frantically trying to hide or straighten the mess, filled with shame. I was convinced people were judging me, “How can she live like this?” The truth is, my home wasn’t really that messy. It was more the voice inside me head that was rooted in a mother who constantly told me and the rest of my sisters and brother what a mess we all were. Oh my…I guess your post was like a five minute Friday prompt and I just ran off with it.
    The good news is, I truly have been able to let go of a lot of perfectionism over the year. It is for freedom that we have been set free!

  5. Sarah Eddins

    Amen, sista! There is so much freedom in just letting go of the perfectionism and letting God be revealed in the midst of our mess! I can totally relate to your post! Thanks for sharing!


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