Tag Archives: #YourWordsMatter

31 Days of Finding God – SAY

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!


A theme that I have heard over and over this year is that #YourWordsMatter.

And they do.

My story, your story, they are different yes but each is so very important. (<====Click to Tweet)

The words that you say, the stories that you use to encourage, they make a difference. At times I know it may feel like it isn’t worth it….is anyone even reading?

But then an email comes, or a tweet, maybe a comment that reminds me when we are being a light for Christ, the things we say can offer hope and encouragement, even grace.


I made it through some of the most difficult times in my life because someone took the time to say that they understood where I was. They shared a bit of their journey and how God was with them.

Moments like those reminded me that I was not alone, not only was God with me but He placed the perfect person, at just the right moment, to share a message of hope.

Yes friends, your words matter, and I am so grateful for each one of you that have walked with me here and lifted me up in prayer and encouraged my writing. 

Because of your words friends, I am #FindingGod.

Finding God


Dayspring has just released a new Words Matter collection.

What I love so much about these letter blocks is that you can create words that best suit your home. Maybe it is a favorite verse (Hebrews 6:19) 😉 or your OneWord for the new year (Balance…which I have yet to achieve!!)

Whatever word has most meaning in your heart, you can use the Letterpress Blocks Interface, which is this cool site where you create your own words and save and share your creations!

I came up with the one above to help me remember this series of Finding God.

All throughout my house you will find Bible verses and sayings. I love lining my walls with God’s truth.  These new letters would be the perfect addition to any home.  What word would you choose?

31 Days Button

In Him, Kristin