Is It Worth The Risk?

Dreaming, stepping out in faith, takes risk. And there have been times when I have asked myself if it is worth it.

Not everyone is going to support our efforts, or understand them. I think it is pretty safe to say that here in the Midwest – blogging is a bit of a mystery. Most of the people that I know, who also blog, live on the East or West coast. But here in the great state of MN I find fewer of us filling up the www.

So when I talk about having a place to encourage women, share my faith walk…well sometimes there are those that just don’t understand it all. Or those that think I am trying to be someone I am not…putting on a show of perfection because I blog about God. (Trust me perfection is not a word one uses in describing me!) šŸ™‚

And I will be honest, sometimes that hurts my very thin skin. Ā I am a pretty sensitive person and can really take things personally…it is a blessing and a curse! šŸ™‚

I have had a tough few weeks personally. I am struggling and growing (I think) and it hasn’t been easy. I am unable to share details but I have been given the opportunity to be a part of something from the ground up. Something I had dreamed about but never believed I could be a part of….

It is scary and overwhelming and jumping up and down exciting all at once. It has nothing to do with me at all – it is all God. And as I have talked with a few other women involved, I am amazed at what is happening and coming together so quickly. Only God…..

But as I step out in faith I find myself under attack. I don’t know what you think about the enemy…but I believe that he is threatened by people who want to share God’s redemptive grace with the world….and will stop at nothing to create an environment of fear and doubt.

FeelingĀ particularlyĀ vulnerable last night and honestly ready to give up on it all, this blog, the dream team….I reached out to a fellow dreamer and amazingĀ friend. And today, just when I needed it most herĀ responseĀ email came in my inbox and filled my heart with the Truth.

We ARE going to be tested. But take heart because we are not alone and even Jesus is praying for us! Luke 22:31-32Ā ā€œSimon, stay on your toes. Satan has tried his best to separate all of you from me, like chaff from wheat. Simon, Iā€™ve prayed for you in particular that you not give in or give out. When you have come through the time of testing, turn to your companions and give them a fresh start.ā€

Jesus tells us that Satan will try andĀ separateĀ us from Him…but He isĀ intercedingĀ for us and gives us hope that we will come through the times of testing…and when we do we should support someone in the same situation.

Today I was reminded more than ever that it IS worth the risk. Why? Because community with all of you is more than I had hoped for or imagined.Ā ReceivingĀ an email or card of encouragement from a friend at just the right time reminded me that God loves the little details of my life too.

He chose some select people to show me how much He loves me…sinful,Ā hypocritical, broken me. I was in tears at the intricate way this community has been woven together.

Does everyone “get” it? Nope probably not….and honestly I feel sorry for those who haven’t had the chance to experience community in this way. My life is continually changed by it.

Whatever your dream, you are bound to experience fears and doubts and even lies from the enemy. You may ask yourself if taking that leap of faith is worth it?

I can tell you from experience that any pain in the growth periods, the trials and testing, will be so worth it in the long run. Because I have come to see God in a way that I didn’t before…a more personal way and I am so grateful for it!

What are those things that you feel are too risky in regards to your dream?? I would love to hear about them so that I could be praying for you as others have prayed for me!!

And if you want to join other dreams talking about their risky business… šŸ˜‰ jump on over to Holley’s and check out some of my beautiful teammates posts as well!!


0 thoughts on “Is It Worth The Risk?

  1. comealivejenn

    Kristin.. i cannot even tell you how soothing and deeply healing these words were to my soul. They were the exact words I needed. In fact I am very tempted to just copy and paste them and send people today who come to my blog to read this. So so encouraging. I cannot go into details but I needed these words of life more then you will ever know. God took your words and hugged me big through them today. … not everyone supports our efforts.. and you talking about your thin skin.. how it can hurt.. it gave me just the courage i needed to keep on today. Thank you thank you thank you. I love you

  2. Mel

    Kristin…a million hugs and thanks that I am blessed to call you my friend. Sometimes I shake my head and can’t believe that this community thing has really happened, but it has. And God is doing some amazing things…my heart is totally racing right along with yours, but I can’t wait to see how He’s going to move. How He’s going to bless. Love you, sweet friend…I am so thankful that we are on this journey together. Keeping you in my prayers as you step out and take those risks. He’s going to bless so much more than we can imagine. šŸ™‚

  3. Melissa Wallace

    Thank you for sharing! I really needed to hear this today. I am feeling lost, not sure what to do next. I too have felt like giving it all up. I feel like I am being attacked from all sides. I know I just need to spend some time with God and ask for His direction and strength. I ask for your prayers too. I will be praying for you. šŸ™‚

  4. amypboyd

    Yes, thank you for sharing. As I took the step of faith to begin blogging, dive into twitter and other things He has called me to I also face the attacks. Once God brought me to this community, joined me up with other God’s girls that I am able to continue on. When I think of you (and other sisters) I am reminded of Eph 3:14-20, I thank Him for you.

  5. Kathy

    Of course Satan doesn’t want you sharing your faith, God’s faithfulness in your struggles, or anything remotely Christian–on Facebook, a blog, or anywhere. If the enemy can make you feel unworthy or make life miserable and you stop sharing, he wins. You have an incredible gift with words and you are honest in sharing all facets of your life. Your stories bring readers face to face with the Savior. Keep believing the truth and work daily to keep the lies from changing your path.

  6. Amy Corley

    Kristin, excited for you, for the new adventure you are on! For me, the riskiest part of my dream of writing is to even believe that I have a story to tell. I am afraid that in my stepping out, I will somehow find myself alone. The dream team has been a major encouragement for me along these lines, to feel like I am a part of a community who supports me in my dream has been huge! Thank you for your words here, and my God bless you!!

  7. Alecia

    Let Satan try and bring us down! But we have prayer warriors that will pray for us at the drop of a hat, satan doesn’t stand a chance!!

    I have hard time joining the two worlds, inrl and blogging. It’s hard for me to tell people that I write/blog, bc it’s such a foreign concept…still to people. Usually someone I know inrl finds out I blog through my personal FB page bc my posts automatically post to it. And when I’m around them in person, like you said, I don’t want anyone to think that I’m perfect or have it all together bc I mostly blog about faith, cause I’m not. Maybe in time I’ll get more comfortable with this new blogging coat I’ve put on, until then, I’ll just awkwardly avoid it šŸ™‚

  8. Sarah Eddins

    I too have been so blessed through blogging (both writing and reading), but people in my own life probably still think it’s weird. I don’t think my own family even reads mine….ha! But, I’ve loved it and it’s been a huge encouragement over the past few years! Can’t wait to hear your big news! I’m praying for you as God unfolds His plan for you!

  9. Laura Rath

    I can totally relate Kristin! I just left this comment over at Jenn’s, but I’ll leave it here too for encouragement. šŸ™‚

    Kristin, I know of which you speak…the enemy’s attacks come hard and fast (that’s an understatement), and he attacks anywhere and everywhere. Some days, I’ve just wanted to say “Forget it! I quit!” But then the enemy wins, and I lose because I let him come between me and God. Let me encourage you…keep going, keep writing, and keep letting God use you to speak to others!



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