Tag Archives: pathway to peace

31 Days of Finding God – LEARN

Thank you for joining me in my series 31 Days of Finding God. Each day I am going to use a prompt from Kate and incorporate that into how I am finding God in my everyday!

Pathway to Peace

Today’s prompt is Learn!

There are lessons that I learn the first time around, and then there are others that apparently need some repeat sessions so that they settle deep into my soul.

One of those repeat lessons is the idea of letting go of control, letting God do the work I can’t, and finding peace in the process.

I am Type A to the core. I like things my way. I load the dishwasher a certain way, have a routine in the morning that doesn’t change much…and when I face struggle or difficulty I want to know what’s going to happen and when…and I want an outcome that is most pleasing to my comfort.

But time and time again I have discovered that there are certain situations where I have to be willing to let go of control and trust God with the end result.

These lessons don’t come easily and I usually fight for control until I am at my breaking point.

A dear friend reminded me today that I don’t have control. I just don’t. But God knows the outcome and if I can be content in my relationship with Him, first and foremost, then whatever happens in my life I can trust that I will be ok.

I will be honest, I want easy lessons. I want to learn the hard stuff the first time. I would rather not have to be given opportunity after opportunity to practice giving up control. 🙂

But in addition to being Type A, I am apparently stubborn as well so I am sure that I will be faced with the lesson again. Am I going to fight for MY control, or let God take the reins of my life and lead me on His path?

A hard lesson to learn, but one that leads to peace in the process.

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In Him, Kristin