Five Minute Friday – Song


Linking up with Lisa Jo again this week to participate in Five Minute Friday.

Today’s word is SONG– ready, set go –

Music has always played a big part in my worship to God.  There was a time many years ago when our family was broken. We were hurting and stubborn and selfish. Attending church was something we just didn’t do – our pride kept us away. But I missed that time of worship.

And so on my 45 minute commute to work each day I would turn up my radio to the Christian station in my area and sing. I LOVE to sing. And while I am no recording artist – God has given me a gift of song. And I love that I can honor Him with singing praises to Him.

Sometimes the song in our hearts is all we can offer Him. When everything else around me was telling me to give up. The words to praise songs filled my heart and my head with Truth.

Chris Tomlin is one of my favorite artists and his most recent album is amazing. The words of this song is constantly playing in my mind. I am including a link below so you can check it out for yourself!

What song is playing in your heart right now?

0 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Song

  1. Mel

    Chris Tomlin is one of my favorites, too. Have you heard Matt Maher’s new song, Lord, I Need You? Amazing…it’s been on repeat on my running playlist and in my head for weeks. 🙂 Great post, friend…have a wonderful weekend!

  2. amypboyd

    I think Chris Tomlin has to be in the top 5 for everyone’s favorite. I am so bad about not knowing the name of the song or the artist but I listen to songs over and over. Awesome words today, Thanks for sharing.

  3. Mia

    Even there is just a song in our hearts that we can offer our God, He rejoices over anything we offer Him out of love!
    Blessings from FMF

  4. Adele Chapman (

    Lovely post. It’s so true that music can bring us to a place of worship even when nothing else does. I’ve never heard Chris Tomlin – will have to check out his work! 🙂


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