Angry Harmonica

Anyone who has or has come in contact with a two year old has likely seen a tantrum. My sweet princess of a girl is no exception. She can sass me in a way I was unprepared for as a mother. ๐Ÿ™‚

On a daily basis she spits, screams, stomps and cries. On the other hand she can also be so so sweet with her smiles and her hugs and her strings of incomprehensible words. She is a joy.

But a week or so ago she discovered a harmonica in our toy room. And she started making some music.


Looks innocent enough right?? But the truth behind this picture is that she was mad at me about something and so she started playing what I called the “angry harmonica”

Every time I would ask her a question she would grimace at me and play the harmonica. Did you even know it could be played angry?!


I can see the growl in her expression here….

And so throughout the evening she played away….and when I talked to her she blew that angry harmonica at me.

Isn’t she precious?

But in all seriousness, how much different am I really?

While I don’t play an “angry harmonica” at people literally, I certainly find others ways to share my frustrations with others.

Anger isn’t something that I have been comfortable talking about. Admitting that anger is a problem for me is even more tough. I would like you all to see me happy and put together.

But I’m not. Most of the time.

I have a hot temper, I get frustrated easily and those closest to me get to “experience” my reactions. ย Dominic once said “you would never act that way in front of people outside our family”….and he is right. I take advantage of the fact that my family is “stuck” with me and often let that belief justify my harsh behavior.

Today I read this post by Lisa Jo Baker and it hit home. Especially when she shared what her friend told her –ย โ€œLisa-Jo if you struggle with temper at all you better learn how to control it before you have kids.ย Because you canโ€™t parent with an out of control temper.โ€

Wow isn’t that the truth??

I am not an effective parent when my emotions are out of control. When I am blowing my “angry harmonica” at people I leave a trail of hurt. I don’t want that to be what my children, my husband remember most about me.

Ecclesiastes 7:9 says “Do not be quick to anger,for anger sitsย comfortablyย in the lap of fools.”

Ephesians 4:26 “When you are angry, donโ€™t let it carry you into sin.”

Lisa Jo had several ideas for taming a temper…and I encourage you to hop over and read her full post…it is that good!

For me, this is a constant challenge and something that I need to be in daily prayer about. So that when I feel that frustration come, I can find ways, through prayer and maybe a little “time out”, calm my spirit so that my children remember me for my hugs and unconditional love and not my temper.


Today I am playing the harmonica of peace. Want to join me? Is this an area that you struggle with?? Leave me a comment and I will pray for you too! Us mama’s have to stick together!

0 thoughts on “Angry Harmonica

  1. Mel

    Oh, this is good. I have to admit that I had a “BAHAHAHA! moment”, though…because your daughter reminds me so much of my Mae…my almost-three-year-old who plays her “accordion” in very much the same way that your daughter plays her harmonica. (Accordion=recorder. For the record, WHAT was I thinking purchasing this for a TODDLER?!) ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel you on this one…they sure do stretch the limits of our patience, don’t they? And my temper turns hot far too often…thank you for this. I need the reminder…I don’t want my daughter to remember me for my temper, either. Blessings, friend…I’m thankful for your words. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Kristin Taylor

    Ah, yes. I’m right there with you, friend. It’s slowly getting better for me – thanks to the grace of God, my husband and to fact parenting is otherwise impossible. One day at a time but I’m glad God doesn’t leave us in our angry ways. You are bold and brave to share this. Well said.

  3. @kimahall

    Oh, wow, I laughed at loud at the thought of her blowing her harmonica at you every time she was angry. Oh, such memories it brings back. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, it’s a much better idea to play the harmonica of peace. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. lanirenee

    I never even KNEW I had a temper before I had kids. I hate confrontation and well…just didn’t know it was even there!! My kids on the other hand…wow! where did all THAT come from…certainly NOT their mother! *blush*

  5. Alecia

    Your little angry harmonica player is precious, how did you keep from laughing?! My own anger is something I’ve been working on since mine were little, it’s gotten better, but I still have to keep it in check, and apologize often ๐Ÿ™‚ They are learning mommy isn’t perfect and are ok with it.

    1. Kristin Post author

      That’s all we can do isn’t it? Keep on trying!! Oh how I wish we were closer and could “vent” in person together! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Sarah Eddins

    You are not alone, Kristin! I am ashamed at how quickly my temper can flair…and often at those I love the most! The Lord still has a lot of work to do in me for sure!! Thanks for sharing openly!

  7. anna {}

    Thank you so much for sharing this in our FB group! While the angry harmonica totally made me laugh right out loud (I can just picture her!!), your words were truth to my heart. Thank you for finding those scriptures, too! I am going to copy them and hang them up in the kitchen as a reminder.

  8. Bre

    Oh I can so relate as I have a little girl who is about to turn 2 in less than a month. Such a temper, and then adorably smiling and laughing the next minute. I definitely have one myself but am very conscious of not letting it get to me when I parent. It is so true that you can not have a temper and be a good parent. Great post. Stopped by to say hello from Peacoats & Plaid ๐Ÿ™‚

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